Thursday, August 13, 2015

Time dedicated to Forex

Financial markets are very attractive but also very dangerous time if you do not have the knowledge and expertise needed to function in it, and this is only achieved through years of work.

Undoubtedly the Forex today is the best market to work globally and in fact, the number of operators that enter it daily demonstrated, every day there are thousands of people who start in this market, though truth is, a small percentage of them gets to survive in it.

The Forex Market is very easy to use with tools that currently exist on the Internet, before the thing was not so; the expead were very spacious and also invest minimum amounts, making that only he could invest in big cities.

To develop a good working start with 5 hours of dedication and sacrifice, well understood the terms and applied in a prudent and wise way.

Good luck

Forex Risk

The risk lies in forex leverage. Leverage multiplies my earnings, but if the market goes in the opposite direction to where I think (what happens very frequently), my losses are also multiplied. In fact, it is much the number of people who lose their investment. Forex is very risky, and to lower the risk you have two options:

Extensive experience in technical investment analysis to operate leveraged or operate only with my own resources without apalancarme. So it should be about $ 10,000 and be willing to invest. Still there is a risk of losing money if there is experience.

It is convenient to work with your savings, remember that your savings are time and dedication.